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Joe Lanham Awarded Annual Edwin H. Armstrong Award
J-Rock General Manager Joe Lanham has been awarded the Edwin H. Armstrong Award for Oustanding Broadcasting Acheivment. Given out each year by the American Association of Internet Radio Broadcasters and Meat Packers (AAIRMP), the award is the highest honor anyone can recieve. AAIRMP chairperson Guy Incognito made the presentation last night at the association's annual banquet.
"Mr. Lanham's contributions to internet radio this past year have been insurmountable," Incognito said. "It is with great honor an dignity that I present him with this award."
Lanham said that recieving this award "is better than winning ten Superbowls and the World Series." When asked if it was better than sex, Lanham had no comment.
As the winner of the award, Lanham recieved a glorious 24k gold plaque, as well as a gift certificate to Applebees. He is also very excited about J-Rock's chances in the upcoming AAIRMP Awards Show, where J-Rock has been nominated in seven different categories, including Best Internet Radio Station. Lanham himself has also been nominated for several awards, including the coveted "Man Women Most Want To Be With Award," which everyone knows he is a shoe-in to win.

J-ROCK is Back!
That's right, it's true, it's true. As of 11:00 AM on Thursday October 17, 2002, J-ROCK Radio is once again broadcasting the music the world loves all over the internet. J-ROCK Radio General Manager Joe Lanham commented on the new J-ROCK Radio
"We're very pleased with the quick progress our staff made to get us back. We hope our listeners enjoy the new music, and all of the other surprises we hae for them coming soon."
J-ROCK.com was a link on its homepage to listen to the live stream generating from J-ROCK Radio studios. GM Lanham says that the current broadcast is by no means what the real J-ROCK Radio will sound like, as this is just a sampling of the music which will or will not make the final cut. Lanham said that we should expect J-ROCK Radio to be fully functional and up and running at ful strength by Thanksgiving of this year.
Joy DeBarbire Joins J-ROCK Radio Staff!
In a news conference early yesterday morning, J-ROCK Radio GM Joe Lanham announced the newest addition to the staff. "I am very pleased to introduce our finest hiring ever, Joy DeBarbrie." Ms. DeBarbrie comes fresh from The Ohio State University, where she is studying engineering, as well as the anatomy of Lanham. "I am very pleased to be under Mr. Lanham" Joy said in an interview last night. "He is a hard worker, but it definitely pays off with those long nights of working over." Joy will assume the Traffic and Continuity post left vacant by Lanham, as well as heading up the new Hot Stuff department. "As you can see," Lanham commented, "Joy is definitely hot stuff."
All of the news men nodded in agreeance. Joy DeBarbrie can be reached at derekjeterluver@37.com for questions about J-ROCK Radio's traffic, continuity, and Hot Stuff policies.